Report Dashboard

Report Name Description View Tickets
fake ssss View Tickets
ragy 3 lolll View Tickets
Testing dmitryyyy View Tickets
testing for video This is just to test out the site works on video View Tickets
Spencer's Issue I have run into an issue at work and here are the details View Tickets
Test Report Testing for feedback View Tickets
Testing Just a test! View Tickets
Pavel's report My report on team Lockdown View Tickets
testing hahahahaha sha View Tickets
adf zcvz View Tickets
asdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff asdfajsdfadfasdfadfadf View Tickets
Zabiullah Why it doesn't show my text? View Tickets
Pavel's new report Troubles I face as a university student View Tickets
Pavel's Report The troubles I face as a Cs student View Tickets
Access Issue I can't get in! View Tickets
Discord Server Incidents Any incidents related to discord View Tickets
Test this is a test View Tickets
Alienware The laptop is faulty. View Tickets
Alienware My laptop incidents View Tickets
Test2 This is a test View Tickets